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Tableau: Video Game Sales Analysis

Karuna Rathore

Updated: Feb 9

This is Tableau Project Analyzing Video Game Sales Data

Project Goal:- 

A) Design is centered on providing video game industry stakeholders with actionable insights into historical sales trends. 

B) Provide overview of sales performance by genre, platform, and publisher, helping developers, publishers, and marketers make informed decisions on game development and marketing strategies. 

C) Interactive visualizations and Multi Frame data story ensures that the insights are both detailed and easily accessible.


1) Project proposal capture the who, what, why, how and challenges. Include: a specific business case, intended outcomes, and needs of the intended audience.

2) Data Imported from on video game sales. There are 16,598 records 2 records were dropped due to incomplete information. 

3) Performed exploratory analysis and derive Insights. Identified key metrics from data and create KPIs, and use those KPIs to create dashboards and Multi Frame Data Story. 

KPI are:-

A) Total Sales by Genre: Bar Graph

Genres which have historically dominated the market, helping stakeholders to focus on popular genres in future game development and marketing strategies.

B) Sales by Year and Genre: Area Chart

How genre popularity has evolved over time, providing insights into emerging trends and shifts in consumer preferences.

C) Top 10 Platforms by Sales: Bubble chart 

Gaming Platforms with largest user base varying upon Zone and time period, helps in guiding decisions on platform-specific marketing and game development.

D) Top 10 Publishers by Sales: Tree Map

Identifying the leading publishers helps in understanding market competition and potential partnership opportunities in various zones and in time periods anywhere b/w 1980 to 2019.

4) Final Presentation includes Narratives which are attached in the PDF provided.


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